Thursday, July 18, 2013

A much over due update

I have just returned from a 3 week stint at the Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Pain Rehab program.  Turns out I've been dealing with a neurological disorder that affects the way my brain processes pain.  The crazy news is that it's kind of always going to be there. The good news is that after being in their care I know how I can work their program and eventually get back on my feet!  I am already feeling small improvements in the day to day.  Part of their process is to not look back or over discuss the situation too much so if you see me don't be surprised if we don't talk about it.  It's all positive stuff, focused goals and sticking to my schedule. With great hope and thankfulness I can honestly say that in 6 months there should be some good improvement in my day to day world. I may not be dancing the jig or typing a novel any time soon but I'm patient.

Thank you to all of the wonderful people in my life that have been endlessly supportive during the last 4 (yikes!) years. Thank you to everyone that contributed to the album fundraiser (the bands and the fans!) and thanks to Mike Sempert for putting it together!  The money raised by the fundraiser helped pay for my stay in Jacksonville last month! I couldn't have done it with out you.  Thanks to Bob Cross for putting together the first benefit show, to the bands that played & everyone that came out!  Thank you to everyone that sends me encouraging texts, fb messages and emails randomly and/or regularly, you have no idea how much they mean to me.  Thank you dear friends that have stuck by me even though I have been condsiderably less fun then I use to be. Thank you dear family for everything you do.

Basically just thank you everyone!  There is still a long road ahead but at least now I know how to proceed which is a great relief.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, glad to hear things are moving forward for you!
